Odds and ends
Here I am in solemn prayer, hoping I won't be booted off of here. I wouldn't like to land in the doghouse!! It took quite a leap to get up here in the first place.
Oh well, now that I'm up here I might as well relax and listen to some music.
It had to come. SUNDAY SHOPPING, I mean. After all, how many of those who voted against it never ate out, gassed up their car, got sick and had to get treatment, needed the fire department or police - on a Sunday. I know the Sunday Brunch at the Prince Arthur restaurant is always well attended.
I suppose I should have waited for a customer to show up before pressing my shutter at the Sobey's pumpkin pile, however, there were lots of cars in the parking lot.
At least I got a scene to remind us of Halloween and the myriads of trick and treaters who will be coming to visit in a couple of weeks.
Yes, I'm still alive, your infrequent blogger.
I was just finishing my supper of beans and hot dogs when two bikers showed up at the door. They stayed a while and then went pedaling off up the road. Does anybody know them?
Tuffysmom asked for some pictures of planes that I gave her rides in.When she was about three years old I took her up in the Piper Cub shown above. She was in the back seat and shortly after takeoff I looked around to see how she was making out. She said "Watch where you're going Daddy'" I guess she was afraid we would run into something. She also had rides in the Stinson. One of those trips was to Digby.
Out hangar was across the highway from the airport, and each morning we would taxi across the highway to get onto the airort.