Odds and ends

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Gardening and Stuff

Last year the forsythia bush to the left was a dead loss. But this year it is loaded with blossoms which are not quite yet if full bloom.

There is a story behind the tomato plants shown below. There was small square in the corner of the back yard where I had piled grass clippings last year. The grass had died so I decided to dig it up and plant some tomatoes. At Anthony's fruit stand in Dayton I asked "S" for some advice on which kind to buy. Now, "S" is the same person who approached me a long time ago, saying that if I ever intended to sell my place in Dayton, she wanted first chance to buy it. I agreed. Later on, when I decided to move to town I held up listing the place until she had her chance. It turned out she only offered about half of what I wanted for it. She still apologises for inconveniencing me. So she gave me the tomato plants, free of charge. She even threw in some pansies as well.

The tomatoes grew alright, and although they produce lots of blossoms, I have yet to see a tomato. The buds just fall off. Maybe there's a jinx on them. My green thumh seems to have lost its touch. Anyway, they were free, so I can't complain

I planted the pansies out front where they have a lot of competition from the other flowerw.

1 comment:

NanNan said...

Ha Ha, Maybe S knew something about those tomatoes that you don't know--- better get Jimmy to eat them first, that is, if they ever appear--- looks to me like your thumb is still pretty green- nice bush in front of the house--
