Noah and His Ark:
There's not enough water in existance to flood the entire globe, even if it rained for forty days and forty nights. Among his animals, would he have had room for a pair of all the sorts of dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, etc? We know such creatures existed. It would take a lot of feed to keep all those animals alive for 150 days until the water went down.
Adam and Eve: Who did Cain and Abel marry to perpetuate mankind? And when the big flood came, the only people saved were Noah and his family. Everything else on the earth was destroyed.
I believe all life evolved and that the earth underwent many changes along the way. Din0saurs once roamed the earth in Alberta, and when they came to an end that same area was covered by ice. I believe that the Earth was hit by a huge meteor which knocked it off its regular orbit and that spelled the end of the dinosaurs. Areas once tropical became polar regions covered by ice. Remains of a wooly mammoth have been found in Nova Scotia.
I believe that Earth will be hit again by a huge meteor and will undergo another big change. If man doesn't blow it up first using neuclear power. Fasten your seat belts.