Odds and ends

Friday, June 09, 2006

Still frigging around with templates

This one seems to fill the bill. Plenty of room to post pictures, easy selections for fonts, etc.

On 1 June, 2006, I stood just outside the back door of the old farm house. We used to play here in the yard, going barefoot all summer. Trees, bushes and tall grass now grow where once our normal traffic kept them under control. We dared not step inside,fearing the floor might cave in and drop us into the cellar.

The years have taken their toll, and as with humans, one day this old house will give way to time.


NanNan said...

I like your new template, but Traveling Man, at 12:54 am, I am sound asleep, or trying!! You'll need to get all your links working- That should keep you up all night- ha,ha

Tuffysmom said...

I like you new template too. I've still got to figure out how to get links. But I haven't really tried yet. Sounds too much like work.
